

Did you know that women made up only 38% of behind-the-scenes roles in feature film productions 从 2020-2021? 在这些作品中,只有23%的摄影师是女性? 

Despite the gender imbalance that still exists in filmmaking, these recent figures, published by the 独立女性报告, 最有希望的是什么, showing that change is happening and there are more  opportunities for women in all the screen industries.  

在纪录片制作中, the picture is even brighter; women delivered 42% of off-screen roles in 2020-2021.  

因为今天是国际妇女节, 我们决定把焦点放在不可思议的事情上, 顽强的, 还有来自LFA网络的优秀女性, 是谁促成了这个行业的巨大变化.  

我们的联合创始人和共同负责人, 安娜·麦克唐纳, 联系了一些女bwin体育苹果下载iOS人, and asked them to share their perspectives and experiences as #WomenInFilm.  



首先, we’re spotlighting our inimitable co-founders and joint principals; the original LFA pioneers!  

安娜和黛西是英国最早建立bwin体育苹果下载iOS学院的女性, 成立bwin体育苹果下载iOS, in 2001, 对bwin体育苹果下载iOS有着强烈的热情, and a desire to educate the next generation of filmmakers through practical, 在行业环境中进行体验式培训.  

自成立以来, bwin体育苹果下载iOS has always aimed to champion the careers of female filmmakers, and to offset the gender imbalance in the film industry that still exists today.  

从我们的女学生奖学金中, 先驱者奖, 感谢我们对女性校友网络的持续支持, we have always been determined to represent women in a variety of production roles across the industry.  

Here’s what Anna and Daisy have to say about LFA’s founding mission and values: 

Our story began in 2001 when we embarked on a mission of building this diverse, 包容和培育学校. 20年后,我们仍然对bwin体育苹果下载iOS和教育充满热情. 我们深信,有意义的体验式教育, 这就是我们要做的吗, 能激励和改变个人吗, 而个人反过来也可以改变世界. 二十年过去了, 我们仍然忠于我们合作的创始价值观, 创新, 可持续性和影响.



We founded bwin体育苹果下载iOS because we have a passion for film and education. 我们想创建一个平台,让学生们聚在一起, 同样充满激情, 并为他们掌握行业技能做好准备. Our students over the last 20 years have shown us how talented, resilient, and determined they are. The industry needs filmmakers like ours, and I think the industry is lucky to have them! The greatest thing is that our courses have is the ability to attract very different and diverse types of people, 谁不想走正常的路线进入bwin体育苹果下载iOS行业.



在过去的20年里, we’ve seen hundreds of pioneering women leave our halls to make their mark on the industry. 下面我们就来庆祝一下这些不可思议的女性.  


特奥多拉是一位居住在伦敦的瑞典bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作人. 自2013年从LFAbwin体育苹果下载iOS制作文凭毕业以来, 她一直在导演和制作广告, 品牌bwin体育苹果下载iOS, 音乐录影带和短片. 
她的短片 #错觉, 关注我们通过社交媒体生活的幻觉, 卖给了Canal Plus,并在棕榈泉和洛杉矶bwin体育苹果下载iOS节上放映. 她的第二个短片, 乌托邦的地狱, 卖给了Shorts International,并在戛纳和纽约国际bwin体育苹果下载iOS节上展出. 
Teodora also hosts the podcast Modern Madonnas, which focuses on portraits of modern femininity. 听一听她的特别节目 # InternationalWomensDay,谈论气候变化和妇女权利 点击这里.  

The most common question I get when I say I work in the film industry is, “where have I seen you?”. The assumption is that as a woman, I would be in front of the camera and not behind it. 但我愿意认为情况正在改变. The hunger for a female gaze is becoming very sought after and I think this is the beginning of having a broad variety of stories told.



I have definitely had to work hard to prove myself before anyone would pay me for my work. I don’t think that I have ever identified this as resistance against female filmmakers, 但是看看我的男同事, I can see that for some of them it has been easier to get a shot at proving their skills.




我们1年毕业后, 2016年获得bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作文凭, Evelyn started working for the international sales company Carnaby International Sales and Distribution.  

Evelyn的工作涉及收购和授权, providing input on projects at various development stages and negotiates with distributors around the world to secure the release of various independent films.  

她参与的bwin体育苹果下载iOS包括《bwin体育苹果下载iOS》, which premiered at Fantastic Fest 2018 and the British crime action favourite ‘Rise of the Footsoldier’, 这是英国最成功的犯罪系列bwin体育苹果下载iOS之一. 

伊芙琳离开后一直是LFA的好朋友, and we're so proud to see her career blossom and grow with each passing year.  

She had this to say about her experience as a woman working in the screen industries: 

The film industry has changed so immensely in the past few years that it's a very exciting time to be a filmmaker. Stories are being told through newer voices and 从 fresher perspectives. They are constantly challenging filmmakers and their audiences alike to expand both their minds and their hearts. 看到这么多 这样的项目真是太神奇了, 这会被认为是非常规的吗, 还有商业风险, 就在几年前, 在  世界各地观众的大力支持下真正蓬勃发展.




安娜于2003年毕业于LFAbwin体育苹果下载iOS制作文凭, 此后一直在洛杉矶从事制作工作, 纽约, 伦敦, 和斯德哥尔摩, 在全球公司Shine Endemol任职, All3Media, 英国独立电视台, 先知和为包括NBC在内的客户创建内容, 网飞公司, 苹果, 卡迪拉克, 和迪奥.  

In 2019, 安娜制作了轰动一时的纪录片《bwin体育苹果下载iOS》。, 这本书探讨了控制焦虑的方法,作者是罗素·布兰德, 亚历克斯灰色, 格雷厄姆·汉考克, 艾德·希兰和更多的人!  

她的下一部长篇纪录片, “节育事业”, examines the complex relationship between hormonal birth control and women’s health and liberation. 该片将于4月8日在美国和加拿大上映! 了解更多,并观看预告片 点击这里.  

Anna had this to say about being a female filmmaker in today’s industry: 

I never thought about the fact that I was female or that it had any barriers to entry for me. 我只是把自己看作是一个进入这个行业的人. 我认为如果你努力工作, 可靠勤奋, 无论你是什么性别,机会都会自动出现在你面前.



我从小就喜欢看bwin体育苹果下载iOS和读书. 他们给了我很多安慰和快乐. 我想拍bwin体育苹果下载iOS来帮助人们感觉更好.




Anny在2019年学习了我们的纪录片制作证书, 以及其他一些生产方面的短期bwin娱乐, 在毕业并创办自己的制作公司之前, First Move Productions. 

她的LFA作品, 也是纪录片的导演处女作, “被塑料困住”, 自发布以来,它是否产生了重大而广泛的影响. The documentary explores the environmentally themed work of artist Mandy Barker, 并在蓝水bwin体育苹果下载iOS节上放映, DOC独立bwin体育苹果下载iOS节, 以及五十岁以上女性bwin体育苹果下载iOS节.  

The film and First Move Productions were also involved in a high-level panel session on ending marine plastic pollution at EU Green Week and was featured in the British Council’s Blue Zone installation at the UN’s international conference for climate change, Cop26, 2021年在格拉斯哥. 

被塑料拖车困住First Move Productions on Vimeo.

Anny’s other work focuses on topics ranging 从 Brexit to mural paintings and woodland preservation, 全球封锁,当然还有环境可持续性.  

我们最近采访了Anny, 她对女性在bwin体育苹果下载iOS界的机会有这样的看法: 

我很乐意看到女性找到更多的方式来讲述她们的故事, 我认为我们已经看到了这种变化, 甚至在主流bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作中. There are a lot more women actually writing stories, and that’s very refreshing. 所以,我认为未来是光明的. There’s certainly so much more that can be done, that we need to be cautiously optimistic.



我确实认为bwin体育苹果下载iOS业应该有更多的女性. 我觉得镜头后面应该有更多的女性, and a lot more women saying more interesting things than just talking about blokes on film, 因为这些女人存在于现实生活中, 我们必须表示它们.



I look at various funds that offer support for filmmakers, and there’s a whole section on residences. 但是,如果, 像我这样的, 你有三个孩子, what are the odds of going to spend a month on some wild coast of Scotland to focus on your film project? 但对很多女人来说不是这样的. 所以,我认为我们需要对所提供的内容更加模块化. 有各种各样的团体, 甚至还有女性bwin体育苹果下载iOS人的节日, 我认为继续支持这些是值得的, 但也要尽量让事情成为主流, 就不把女性bwin体育苹果下载iOS人隔离开来而言.



We’re excited to see the development and expansion of the LFA female filmmakers’ network and can’t wait to see what our wonderful women graduates do next! 

你是从LFA毕业的女生吗? 我们很乐意听到你的声音并分享你的成功! 不要犹豫,随时bwin体育苹果下载iOS marketing@gzyyhc.com 让我们了解你的最新工作! 

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